Hamilton Old Parish Church
Hamilton Old is a Church of Scotland parish church serving the town of Hamilton in South Lanarkshire. Our minister is Rev Ross Blackman. Please do get in contact.
If you can't make a service in person, you can link to our ongoing live and recorded online services, below. Please consider subscribing for updates (free):
Livestream service (Sunday 10:45am), daily short webcast & archive
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The building, which is the only church designed by the architect William Adam, was opened for worship in 1734. It is the second oldest building in the town and the oldest still being used for its original purpose.
Sunday services are usually held at 10.45am. There is a loop system and facilities for those with mobility needs. Visitors and new members are always welcome.
Visit our news page for details of events and special services. There are a large number of church groups and organisations, catering for a wide range of interests and ages, meeting throughout the year in our Halls.
The church accounts for year ending 2024 are now available.
All information on this website and available from the Church Office or any member of the congregation is governed by our Privacy Policy available via our Publications page. Our Safeguarding Policy can be read via this link and our Health & Safety Policy conforms to the Church of Scotland Policy Statement.
Hamilton Old Parish Church